
E-mails from Pastor Ravi with needs to reach and minister to the children in South Eastern India... Pray about helping him reach these children for Jesus and teach them about God's love for them.

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Global Mission Ministry Center
12000 Fairview Avenue ~ Boise, Idaho 83713
208 376-7272 x 3015
“Go . . . Ye . . .”
A Decade of Ministry
in Guatemala…..
Medical Clinics
Clothing Clinics
Children’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry
Church Ministry
Building projects
Transportation projects
Food Projects
Etc... Etc… Etc...
click here view large
Nigeria, Africa
MACON conferences
Linked Arms …
Bucherest, Romania
ministry to street sewer children with Maps for MaMa’s
Japan with Heart Beat Ministry
Russia with Prepare the way International
University of the Nations Missions Builders, Kona, Hawaii
Workshops FFI
Rejoice in Praise
Dance Worhip
His Touch Family Ministries Israel
Stepping Out of the Box
Lesha’s Mission Journey
Panama YWAM, Panama